Structure of a rpm package and rpm commands

RPM stands for RED-HAT Package Manager.

1. Structure of a .rpm packages:-

2. Arctecture type:-
a) x86 = i386 for 32 bit of motherboards.
b) x64_x86 = i686 for 64 bit of motherboards.

3.Working with RPM packages :-
rpm –ivh telnet.2.5.6-i386.rpm
      1. –i [install pkgs]
      2. –h [it generate hash while installation of pkgs]
      3. –v [verbose{means it show the output}]
      4. –V [verifying pkgs ]
      5. –e or --replacepkgs [uninstall or remove]
      6. –q [to check]
      7. –Urh [upgrade]
      8. –K [check sing. Of the pkgs]
      9. –F [sometimes –U install the pkgs ,if you want to upgrade use –F ]
      10. --test [to check pkgs]
     11. --nodeps [install or upgrade the pkgs without checking dependencies]
     12. --noscripts [do not executes any of the script before or after installation,upgrade or removal]
     13. --excludedocs [do not install pkgs marked as docs ,file such as man pages]
     14. –oldpackage [allow a pkg to be replaced with old one]

4. RPM verification codes:-
1. S - file size has changed
2. M - mode change include file perm & type.
3. 5 - MD5 sum has changed.
4. D - device major or minor no. has changed.
5. L - the path of symbolic link has changed.
6. U - owner of file has changed.
7. G - group of file has changed.
8. T - last modified time has changed

5. More options:-
1. -qc [to see conf.files]
2. -qd [to see doc. Files]
            3. -q --changelog [each time pkg is change : to see pkg log files]
            4. --q –changelog –p full structure of .rpm [-p shows the full path or relative path to the pkg file]
            5. -qF or –freshen [only upgrade]


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