SAMBA PASSWORD {smbpasswd}

    The smbpasswd program has several different functions, depending on whether it is run by the root user or not. When run as a normal user it allows the user to change the password used for their SMB sessions on any machines that store SMB passwords.

     By default (when run with no arguments) it will attempt to change the current user´s SMB password on the local machine. This is similar to the way the passwd program works. smbpasswd differs from how the passwd program works however in that it is not setuid root but works in a client-server mode and communicates with a locally running smbd. As a consequence in order for this to succeed the smbd daemon must be running on the local machine. On a UNIX machine the encrypted SMB passwords are usually stored in the smbpasswd file.

     When run by an ordinary user with no options, smbpasswd will prompt them for their old SMB password and then ask them for their new password twice, to ensure that the new password was typed correctly. No passwords will be echoed {seen} on the screen whilst being typed. If you have a blank SMB password (specified by the string "NO PASSWORD" in the smbpasswd file) then just press the <Enter> key when asked for your old passwd.

     smbpasswd can also be used by a normal user to change their SMB password on remote machines, such as Windows NT Primary Domain Controllers.

     When run by root, smbpasswd allows new users to be added and deleted in the smbpasswd file, as well as allows changes to the attributes of the user in this file to be made. When run by root, smbpasswd accesses the local smbpasswd file directly, thus enabling changes to be made even if smbd is not running.

Smbpasswd Options

No. Options Description
1. -a This option specifies that the username should be added to the local
 smbpasswd file, with the new password typed
 (type <Enter> for the old password).
2. -x This option specifies that the username should be deleted from
 the local smbpasswd file.
3. -d This option specifies that the username should be disabled in the
 local smbpasswd file.
4. -e This option specifies that the username should be enabled in the
 local smbpasswd file, if the account was previously disabled.
 If the account was not disabled this option has no effect.
5. -n This option specifies that the username should have their password
 set to null (i.e. a blank password) in the local smbpasswd file.
6. -L This specifies the username for all of the root only options to operate on.
 Only root can specify this parameter as only root has the permission
 needed to modify attributes directly in the local smbpasswd file.

Some examples

     Deepti now needs to be allocated a password for accessing the Samba server. Remember, this is a separate password to her UNIX account any may be different if necessary.

[root@lan ~]# smbpasswd -a deepti
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user deepti.
[root@lan ~]#

The above command adds (-a) an entry into the "smb password file" and encrypts the password. Type "smbpasswd deepti" to simply change passwords.

     deepti can now access the server over the network, however there are still no shares defined.

[root@lan ~]# grep deepti /etc/samba/smbpasswd
deepti:501:96E0D1709FC223FAAAD3B435B51404EE:D27916F620BA786CE3EF222565D6F691:[U          ]:LCT-4F4E7754:
[root@lan ~]#



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